Re. MT-LB next project
Just another update I had to restart the MT-LB model all over again from scratch. Thanks to yakarov79 for sharing his file with me, I learned some tricks from his… and are sites for Military 3d model using 3d max for PC games like thirdwire flight simulator and community like combatace. Free download 3d models of flight jet, MBT, Tank, Ship, Ground units.
Just another update I had to restart the MT-LB model all over again from scratch. Thanks to yakarov79 for sharing his file with me, I learned some tricks from his…
Finished the model and now working on the skin
Just completed the Keco A/M32C-17 Aircraft Air Conditioner for the new AB
This is a sneak preview of my new Ali Al Salem Ait Base, I will try to do my best to have everything that the airbase needs (hopefully all-new models)…