Rc-Started making the VBTP-MR Guarani
The model is completed, I should have in total 6 skins with the model.
gkabs.net and gulfknights.net are sites for Military 3d model using 3d max for PC games like thirdwire flight simulator and community like combatace. Free download 3d models of flight jet, MBT, Tank, Ship, Ground units.
The model is completed, I should have in total 6 skins with the model.
coming soon to add to my mountain models
you can download the new model from combatace.com or from this site download page
I think it’s completed, I will have 10 skins with the model. I should have it ready for download soon after some game testing.
Found out that I was not using the correct blueprint so I just started making some adjustments to the model. This is what I have so far