Technical pickup truck requested by Stratos
Technical pickup truck requested by Stratos been working on it slowly. need to make the texture next. The model-free from the net I just worked some on it to make… and are sites for Military 3d model using 3d max for PC games like thirdwire flight simulator and community like combatace. Free download 3d models of flight jet, MBT, Tank, Ship, Ground units.
Technical pickup truck requested by Stratos been working on it slowly. need to make the texture next. The model-free from the net I just worked some on it to make…
I am thinking of making a TANS model. More work needed Almost completed I just need to add some small thing and it’s completed. Completed, next, I need to work…
I just completed the civilian Airport and it’s in 7 separate models two terminals 3 terminal gates ground concrete structure and the main Airport building, also I have decided to…